Predictions & Surprises
11 November 2014
'The Boy Who Predicted Earthquakes' - Clint Howard plays Herbie Bittman, a young boy who can predict future events, so long as there is a future to predict... Highly effective story with a knockout ending.

'Miss Lovecraft Sent Me' - Foolish waste of time, and not funny either.

'The Hand Of Borgus Weems' - A man believes that his hand is no longer his own, and will go to extreme lengths to get rid of it... Unoriginal but interesting tale has a good cast(like Ray Milland) at least.

'Phantom Of What Opera?' - Leslie Nielsen plays the phantom carrying off his reluctant love who has a secret herself... Hilarious segment may be the only one of its kind to work, but Nielsen's heavy mask breathing and surprise reveal make it a treat.
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