I thought "The Junior Professor Solution" ep of "The Big Bang Theory" was enjoyable enough
9 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The second ep of "The Big Bang Theory" this season in a nutshell: Sheldon is told in order to drop his string theory study, he has to agree to become a professor: that is, teach a class. Since Howard wants to get a doctorate, he becomes Sheldon's only student...but Sheldon seems only interested in one-upping Howard on most knowledgeable facts. Amy spends some time with Penny sans Bernadette and vice versa since Penny doesn't want to study up on her new job which makes Bernadette think she's not taking her job seriously enough. Amy's just glad to finally be the popular girl! I'll stop there and just say this was another funny enough episode of the show that I was pretty entertained most of the time. Only question concerning the characters: When are we gonna see Raj's girlfriend Emily again? On that note, "The Junior Professor Solution" was an enjoyable enough ep of "The Big Bang Theory".
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