Mutant World (2014)
Surprisingly Good
9 November 2014
I just watched this movie on SciFi Channel and was impressed with it. The actors did a great job and were all very believable in their roles. The plot is pretty straightforward relating to surviving a major disaster. It has elements of a zombie movie too. There were several technical and tactical goofs and a major continuity error but I still enjoyed it.

Some of the non-spoiler technical goofs are:

The GPMG on top of the truck never had an ammunition can or belt in it. Magazine/cartridge pouches flat; common, at least put something in there!

Tactical goofs were the typical splitting forces in a known hostile environment and not leaving someone on the truck MG when dismounted.

The continuity goof would require a spoiler but it is pretty obvious when you watch the movie.

I liked that the 'survivors/preppers' were the good guys.

Overall, worth watching and kudos to all the young actors for a great job.
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