Ira & Abby (2006)
One unbelievable cliché after another
8 November 2014
Somehow the filmmakers got lots of interesting and known but not quite star actors to show up. Everyone does a good job, particularly the actor playing Ira. Abby tends to thin whining. Real New York City locations (I live here).

But nothing is believable ever. Abby would not last one week in her job, which is selling gym memberships. There is no reason for her and Ira to get married after just meeting. He seems pretty normal and she seems rather obviously really high maintenance. It is no Bogart and Bacall kind of deal.

The film is sort of watchable minute to minute if you ignore the fact that none of it is justified in reality in any way, and never manages to cast the sort of spell a movie that isn't necessarily real but manages to establish a reality the viewer can go along with has to do.

I often found it often pretty easy to predict what was going to happen before it actually did.

Pretty much everyone in the film either is a $300 an hour therapist or going to a $300 an hour therapist every week. Ira's therapist parents seem to have never discussed anything with each other.

Maybe if you see it for fee on PBS like I did it might be worth it to see Jon Hamm with longer non-Mad Man hair and clothes looking like a regular shmo in a small part.

Overall, not really an indie. More of a superficial low budget conventional but subnormal movie.
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