A good nice-paced, action-packed movie, but not without flaws.
4 November 2014
I found out about this movie by searching for the best ranked Korean films in this site (after getting excited by the EXCELLENT "The Watcher"). And well, to be honest this movie is kind of a 6.5 to me (but IMDb has no way of specifying it). First of all, I LOVE oriental cinema, specially Korean lately so the quirky humor and weird characters aren't a problem (altough the chubby police man kinda annoyed me), I'm used to them Still the movie has a few problems on its own. On the good side, the movie is fast paced, entertaining and the fight scenes (especially the last one) are great, kinda reminds me of the first Bourne movie. Some characters are memorable, like the main character who is a mix of Reeves/Neeson. But then again, some are plain ridiculous and exaggerated, like the villain who always dresses in white. All in all it's a very entertaining movies with just a few flawed moments. Unfortunately for me, those flaws killed the mood at certain times and they were unnecessary.

Still, it's a VERY decent movie and a nice addition to the Korean cinema.
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