Worst Friends (2014)
judd apatow meets todd solondz
3 November 2014
this one surprised the hell out of me. it has toilet humor like a seth rogan movie and suburban relationship angst (and new jersey settings) like a todd solondz movie. it treads that line between sentimental and dead pan. the movie itself is rough around the edges to be sure but it gets at some depressing, sad truth about growing up and losing friendships that don't grow up with along with us. most of those rogan and apatow movies are about two dudes learning to love each other more and "bro out." this is one that is more real and takes a look at a friendship with a different sort of destiny. certain parts could have used a bit more to them like the love interest where not much is done, but what wasn't there is left to the imagination and sometimes that works. here is that very time.
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