Everyone Loves Gable!
3 November 2014
Clark Gable is a Broadway producer who feels his age and is ready to retire. Added to it is the fact that his ex, Lilli Palmer, pops in constantly for the alimony and aggravates him. Carroll Baker is his secretary, who's using her job as a stepping stone in her acting career. When she discloses to him, she's been pining for him from the beginning. he jumps on this plot in a way to save a playwright's problems with his play - instead of an old man going after a young girl, switch it. The stars provide charm and a bit of the nostalgic feel for Gable's older films, like "Wife vs. Secretary," with similarities to boot. But the main problem of this film is that it goes on for far too long and is too talky. Barry Coe likes Carroll, but with her interest in Gable, she hardly gives Barry the time of day. With its predictable ending, this should have been much shorter with less talk and definitely less bickering. But not for that, this is a must-see film for Gable fans. You'll just feel wore out by the end.
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