Chatterbox! (1977)
"Does Howdy Doody have wooden balls?"
2 November 2014
Ever lovely Candice Rialson, one of the queens of drive-in movies in the 1970s, stars here as Penelope Pittman, a hairdresser in a beauty salon. Out of the blue one night, while she is with her boyfriend Ted (Perry Bullington), her vagina just starts talking up a storm. This vagina is a horny, saucy character who also has quite the singing voice. When Penelope goes to a psychiatrist, Dr. Pearl (Larry Gelman), and shows him flat out what her problem is, he realizes that he can make her/them a star and becomes an agent. Penelope & Virginia perform on several TV programs, but Penelope is suffering a great deal of embarrassment.

Scripted by Mark Rosin & Norman Yonemoto, based on a story by director Tom DeSimone, "Chatterbox!" may be a pretty crude affair, but it's undeniably quite charming and funny. The truth of the matter is, it's really pretty harmless, and doesn't really qualify as adult fare. The songs, such as "Wang Dang Doodle", are insidiously upbeat and catchy. The performances are energetic and engaging. Gelman is fine as the shrink turned agent. Jane Kean plays the mother who changes her tune when she realizes the profit to be made from her daughters' "talent". Rip Taylor, Professor Irwin Corey, and Sandra Gould add to the fun with their guest star appearances. But the show really rests on the capable shoulders of Rialson, who's winning as the reluctant starlet. The laughs may not always be there, but they occur frequently enough.

DeSimone does know how to send his viewers away with an amused smile, with a resolution that is perfectly fitting for the situation.

Look for DeSimones' actor brother Bob as a cabbie.

Eight out of 10.
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