really like this episode
2 November 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I actually really enjoyed this episode. it was really funny and jaw dropping, all the violence (not all needed but it added something). i was not expecting it so I couldn't stop laughing.

meg she has her seriously creepy obsession with Joe but its kinda funny to watch. its not hard to believe that she would fall for Joe knowing her and how she once fell for Bryan. this is kinda like a continue for that. i like it when they follow up stuff like that or mention other episodes.

Bryan mentions to Stewie that he has lost his touch and has become soft so he makes a evil clone. who is incredibly violent. but its funny in a way.

when bonnie leaves town meg takes care Joe and Susie and ends up falling for Joe. and becomes obsessed with him.

its a great episode if u like meg and can tolerate unneeded violence. its actually really enjoyable and the ending is a funny way of ending all the craziness.
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