Don't waste your time! Its more precious then this.
1 November 2014
There was a time when i liked this series, now i don't like it anymore. My friends were also once fans, but their interest has blown away with the last few seasons. With the writers failing to understand what their audience wants and the actors getting more payed for being part of something worse.

I never watch this show live, and i wouldn't think it would be worth the ads nowadays even. I find myself fast forwarding more and more, through the pointless argumentation's between boring characters and jokes that we've all heard before. Its like they got 50 set of jokes, and then they do some wordplay, to end up with 500.

Some characters don't even serve a purpose, as i get a feeling they dilute the more funny scenes with Sheldon, with the boring talks between the other characters. If you've seen this episode, imagine, we cut away the mine simulation scenes. They are not too funny, but its the funniest scenes in the episode. If we cut those away, there's nothing left, literally nothing. I badly wanted to laugh, but i didn't.

The story does progress through the seasons and I'm not sure if its for the better or worse. The underlying storyline isn't interesting, i mean, what will happen next, a new breakup? It doesn't matter anymore, the writers may not be better or worse then they were 5 years ago, but they are clearly not moving forward.

The biggest change this season so far, is Pennys hair and Sheldon's change of research field. I couldn't care less about the love- relations between the characters, as that was never really what the show was about in the first place. Now its all about that! Are they trying to appeal more to girls or what is this? Everyone i know, and yes, also females, believe the show was better before.

I believe that at some point the writers thought, oh, we need to change what the show is about, so that we can appeal to a wider audience. Well, just put it down, the series has been damaged and is never coming back in my eyes.

Im giving this one a 2 out of 10. Its a waste of time to watch this, they don't even succeed in making 22 minutes worth of good comedy.
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