Camp X-Ray (2014)
Which side are you on?
31 October 2014
The movie itself was quite good and I think that it lives up to a 7.5 star rating. Now, as said before I enjoyed the film but do understand that for many (Including myself) it can be seen as a little to slow...Until arriving to the climax, which is absolutely great! The thing is, that we need to understand what this movie is really trying to portray. Its showing us the crude reality of how heartless and dehumanizing humanity can be through the eyes of Cole (Kristen Stewart) who starts to see how harsh things are and as said in the movie "it's not all so black and white". Kristen Stewart's acting was good but nothing out of the ordinary... I have to say that Maddi's performance was very good and really interprets the character by truly reflecting what Ali was feeling and displaying his desperation of having been in Guantanamo Bay for 8 years. To sum it up, the movie is good and quite the worthwhile. Be patient at the beginning cause it gets better and better as it progresses.'
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