Moll Flanders F***athon
31 October 2014
At least the host of PBS's MT admits that liberties were taken with the original work. A potentially poignant film is - per usual- smeared with cinematic fecal matter so predictably painted like graffiti in a subway. The larger picture of the societal ills particular to 17/18th century England is marred by pornography (almost to the point of comedy). I think I've seen more of Alex Kingston's nips than my own in the last six months. What should have been the Les Miserables of England is reduced to wanton balderdash, having negated the seriousness of the underlying theme. Though beautifully filmed, the audience's intelligence is mocked by bottom feeder's fodder. It seems the producer's M.O is H.L. Mencken's slight, "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American people." Fortunately, many may read the book to find out the real story - and actually learn something. My copy is now on order.
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