Weekender (2011)
Pills, thrills, and bellyache.....
30 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
It's 1990. The rave scene has arrived, and warehouse parties are exploding across the UK bringing wealth to the organisers.

Matt and Dylan long to be more than just punters. As the government moves to outlaw the scene, it's now or never and they quickly rise through the ranks to join the promoting elite.

They are taken on a journey from the VIP rooms of London to parties in Ibiza, and the hedonism of Amsterdam.

But as their success continues to grow, they attract a dark and sinister world. Matt and Dylan start to drift apart as they are forced to question the dreams they set out to achieve and their once solid friendship......

Again, nostalgia is the order of the day here to enable the viewer to enjoy the film that little bit more, because, as with all these films, the story, and narrative has been done a dozen times before.

Lads start to make it big in the rave scene, get noticed by some bad lads, and then get too involved, and then it's too late. As always, one goes over the top, and then the other decides to go straight, because he has a girlfriend.

We've seen it before, and before you can say 'injected with a poison' one owes lots of money to the character who is constantly angry for no reason.

But it all ends as you'd expect, the cast are great, especially O'Connell, and it's well paced.

It's just a shame that the makers didn't do more research into 1990, as some of the music wasn't released until much later (Ken Doh: I Need A Lover, wasn't release until 1995), and makes you roll your eyes a little.

But worth seeing.
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