Newsreaders (2013–2015)
Horrible, offensive, inane, ridiculous, I love it (TINY SPOILER)
28 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Newsreaders is a spin-off of sorts based on the newsreaders episodes of Children's Hospital, one of the best shows of all time. It's a completely different type of comedy though. The jokes are delivered at blinding speed, sometimes so quickly you don't even have time to register that what just happened is hysterical. The highlight so far is Mine Camp, which focuses on a summer camp for gay individuals. To get to this camp the counselors abduct you from your bed in the middle of the night and stick you in a train car. When you get there you're given a uniform, a gold star, a haircut, a shower, and a barcode is tattooed on your arm. Then you're taught to march and heil. Sounds familiar.... If that doesn't sound funny to you watch the episode and just try not to be amazed.

Newsreaders doesn't just push boundaries, it destroys them like the hulk smashing Loki in the avengers. This show differentiates differentiates itself from the countless other late night comedies is through the expert way in which it delivers social commentary. Taken at face value, it's funny as hell. Think about it a little though, and you'll be shocked by how scathing and true the messages are. The actors all deliver their lines with unshakable stoicism and a childlike naivety which only makes the horrible, awful, offensive, amazing, hilarious things they say that much funnier. This show is the best possible way to spend 15 minutes of your life and you just might take unexpectedly and something away from it. For instance did you know the auto industry created cancer? Or that being gay is a choice, and once you choose you're stuck being gay? Check out Newsreaders is hilarious and that's the bottom line.
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