Shoot to Kill (1988)
A Desperately Dangerous Manhunt
27 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The first 16 minutes of this brilliant chase movie are so intense that it's hard to imagine that what follows could be anything but an anti-climax. The fact that it isn't comes as quite a surprise and testifies to the sheer quality of this highly entertaining adventure thriller. With its combination of well executed stunts, chases and action sequences as well as suspense, humour and stunning locations, it's perfectly understandable why "Shoot To Kill" (aka "Deadly Pursuit") achieved so much critical and commercial success at the time of its release and also why it still remains so enjoyable to watch many years later.

After a San Francisco jeweller breaks into his own store in the middle of the night and removes a collection of diamonds, the FBI discover that his wife is being held hostage and that the diamonds are the ransom that the kidnapper has demanded. Tense negotiations follow but eventually the kidnapper escapes with the diamonds after shooting the jeweller's wife and housemaid. Experienced FBI agent Warren Stantin (Sidney Poitier), who'd been in charge of the negotiations, blames himself for what happened and so becomes determined to hunt down the mysterious killer.

The killer's trail leads to Washington State where it becomes clear that he'd killed a tourist and using his victim's identity, had joined a small group of men who'd set off on a fishing trip. Their trek across some exceptionally hazardous mountains and woods was being led by a local guide called Sarah Renell (Kirstie Alley) and Stantin quickly recognises that the only way he'll be able to continue his mission will be to have his own guide and the obvious choice for the role is Sarah's boyfriend and skilled mountain guide, Jon Knox (Tom Berenger). Knox is a surly tough-guy who only accepts the job very reluctantly because he doubts the ability of the older city-dweller to cope with the conditions or keep up the pace needed to have a reasonable chance of rescuing Sarah from the attentions of the dangerous psychopath.

Predictably, Stantin and Knox's partnership becomes very strained on their journey as they're confronted with some very dangerous situations such as having to cross an incredibly deep gorge in a rope-bridge basket, climbing up sheer rock faces and having to set up camp in deep snow. The climax to the men's journey comes when they arrive at Vancouver, where the killer had gone to meet a diamond broker (who's a fence) and also where they find that the dynamic between them changes dramatically.

Sidney Poitier is exceptional in his role as a man who's very professional and determined in his work and also copes well with a whole series of challenges. Similarly, Tom Berenger is well cast as the rugged guide who learns during the journey that both men possess different strengths and is also surprised when ultimately, they develop a good deal of mutual respect.

"Shoot To Kill" is well-directed with the required levels of tension, humour and pace being perfectly balanced to guarantee the best results and the cinematography is magnificent throughout.
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