interesting Plot and story
24 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As being a low budget movie you mustn't expect a "band of Brothers" or depth like "Saving private Ryan" feeling. It lacks a certain dramatic atmosphere. It doesn't 'pull' you in the movie as being one of them. The plot and story though are quite interesting.

2 US hellcat tank destroyers are caught in an ambush by 3 German panzer's in a no-man's land area (called the void). The German ambush had previously caught 2 trucks carrying US POWs and the only survivors are one of the drivers (who is an African-American) and a British lieutenant .

The story focuses on racial disputes in the US army at that time. On one hand there's the African-American sergeant Owens who is the most experienced of the lot, trying to take charge of the situation, while 2 men from the tank crew are bigoted against him. The British lieutenant fights his own private battle with the Nazi's just to avenge the death of his fellow prisoners. It all ends well, as you might expect. Sgt Owens saves the lot and the racial tensions seems to disappear...

All in all.. No dramatic filming as Band of Brothers or Saving Private Ryan No feeling of being part of the movie... difficult to relate to someone. but it had a nice story and for once.. the US as well as the German tanks are correct... (not the German uniforms though)...
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