Left Behind (I) (2014)
Basic and Boring...
23 October 2014
Once again I was deceived by the trailers as they made this movie look absolutely amazing; however, the trailers were the only good things that came out of this movie, and that says a lot.

First of all, we have the common Christian movie stereotype where some of a family is for God, and some of it is against God. Than we are provided with the frequent misunderstandings non-Christians face regarding the meaning of scripture due to Christians who have almost 0 theological education. So because the Christians fail to provide an adequate answer, the non-Christian lashes out. At least provide the audience with some level of complexity if you're going to have some kind of a theological debate. Your audience understands more than you think. Now if we could simply ignore the horrendous script not to mention the awful acting, we still have a movie full of stereotypes regarding non-Christians, Christians, Muslisms and even smaller people (just trying to be politically correct) which got old very fast.

But believe it or not, this is not even the worst part of the movie! The worst part is the terrible background music! To put it bluntly, it was GARBAGE!! It was so floaty and totally ruined the atmosphere. Now don't get me wrong, some movies require floaty music, but it would have made more sense to have music that was thematically apocalyptic. For example, Armageddon, Independence Day, or World War Z each had excellent pieces which blend perfectly into the atmosphere of the movie. The fact is even if the script to a movie is mediocre, having an excellent soundtrack can drastically improve the atmosphere. With a corny 80's saxaphone piece playing in the background, or cheesy orchestral music, which sounded digital, my wife and I walked out of the movie going "what did we just see?"

Though I am a pastor, I was hoping to be raptured during the movie. Do what I should have done and save your money by not seeing this film.
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