Endless Love (2014)
Much better than the original...
22 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
it is definitely an improvement from the original movie but it isn't without it own flaws and shortcomings mostly due to poor editing and shoddy screenplay. The single greatest improvement is probably their decision not to cast an actress just based on her beauty as was shamelessly done with the original. Gabrielle Wilde's Jade can act unlike Brooke Shields who just stood there looking lost and pretty (I'll never understand why her mother said yes to the script, Shields was 14 at the time so it definitely was not her calling the shots on her career). The dad is established as a villain from the start where in the original film he had been made into one by the forbidden budding romance between his daughter and her lover who is this version is the same age as her unlike the age gap from the original. The whole left- over-60s- hippie-strung-over vibe has been replaced by tempered preppy Suburban life which fits better into this 21st century adaptation of the novel. The love did not seem based on looks or lust like the original film however neither film was able to successfully transition the friendship of Jade and David to love as it was portrayed in the book. All in all this one fairs better than the original in its attempt to show young love rather than lust, obsession and stupidity.
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