The Bermuda Depths (1978 TV Movie)
I, too, have looked for this for a long time...
17 October 2014
I have also wondered about this movie for a very long time. I saw it as a kid on TV, and only remember the plot about the giant sea turtle and the final scene with Carl Weather's character and the other trying in vain to cut through the cable tangled around Carl's ankle with a pocket knife... then being pulled to the depths by the giant creature. That last shot of Carl's character going deeper and deeper with a trail of bubbles above him... very haunting as a kid. And it has stayed with me all these years. Odd, for someone who has lived, worked and played on the ocean most of my life, this image have prevented me from learning to SCUBA dive when younger for fear of not being able to see past 50 feet or so while underwater (clearly, no, I've never considered learning in water that was more clear to see through!).

Wow - never thought I would find the name of this movie again.
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