Dissatisfying Comedy That Misuses The Talents Of The Cast
13 October 2014
After looking at the other reviews here, I guess I am the dissenting vote. I found this film to be disappointing. I think the script creates some wonderful characters, I just wish they had been in another film.

The story revolves around a wealthy woman, Norah Hunter (Laraine Day) who has her secretary stand in for her during official ceremonies. She wishes to meet and marry a man who appreciates her for herself, not for her money. She gets the bright idea of having her secretary, Sylvia (Marsha Hunt), pose as her during a social event. By throwing the faux Norah at any who show her attention, she can weed out the unworthy.

The problem is the potential suitor, Tony Travis (Alan Marshal), who is a lunkhead with ambiguous intentions. He is drawn to the money like a fly to honey. I won't mention how the story resolves, but Tony is not worthy of Norah regardless, so any tension is dissipated.

The story feels like the product of various writers who resolved their differences of opinion by flipping a coin. Too bad; it could have been funnier and more engaging.
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