Buried (2010)
Enjoyable to watch, even if it isn't powerful.
10 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed watching Buried, even though I was disappointed and sad in not experiencing toward Buried a strong feeling of anxiety, fear, depression and breath running out of me. I didn't feel heart-pounded by this movie, nor did I think the movie was great and truly irresistible. The movie did make me a tiny bit anxious a few times during the watch though, and that's one thing, but not as much as I would have expected of course. One of the things I admired in Buried was its twists. I didn't expect most or any of these twists, but when I say I didn't expect them I actually mean to say that I completely didn't expect them. These twists are great and they will blow your mind. Believe me, you won't see them coming. When it comes to Ryan Reynolds, I think that his performance was unusually impressive and a performance worth remembering for at least a decade to come. I also like the fact that Ryan Reynolds's character is trying to get help in order to escape from the claustrophobic trap in which he is imprisoned, by calling on a phone he has with him, but as the movie continues on, Ryan Reynolds' character, instead, begins getting a call telling him of an inappropriate and illegal action from his own part inside his job, and that therefore, the people calling him and the people that have been trying to rescue him from the beginning, will not try to rescue him anymore and will leave him to his fate. I like it, because it adds more dramatic conflict --and originality-- to the plot. Other good things with this film include the fact that the movie starts right off the bat with Reynold's character having already been buried alive underground (someplace we don't know), rather than starting the film with what happened that led to his underground burial, because it makes the film more mysterious that way (and an efficient way to start a film as well), plus making Reynolds die at the end of the movie (through a surprising twist), rather than make him live in order to trick the audience's wish that he'll live, which is of course, artistic filmmaking. My rating for the movie is 7.0/10
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