The Assault (2014 TV Movie)
Typical and Topical TV Movie
7 October 2014
Dressed as a cheerleader, an attractive young woman walks tearfully onto a high school football field and sets herself on fire. Fortunately, she survives with only minor arm burns, thanks to handsome football player Pierson Fode (as Reed Johnson). In the hospital, we discover more about our heroine - specifically, cute 17-year-old Makenzie Vega (as Samantha "Sam" Gleason) reports being sexually assaulted by a football player. Later, "The Assault" allegedly involves more players. Kind and exceptionally sympathetic police detective Khandi Alexander (as Jodi Miller) is assigned the case. She views Ms. Vega as a brave young accuser, but realistically notes a prosecution will be difficult as Vega was drunk and doesn't recall the incident...

If it were any more predictable, a video of the gang-rape would turn up and prove the victim's case; it's also possible a flashback could be employed. Writer Jennifer Maisel makes Vega more interesting with single father Gary Weeks (as Dan) and director Jason Winn adds hints that her childhood friend Amy Bruckner (as Frankie) may want a same-sex relationship - but neither really lifts the drama above ordinary. Malik Yoba (as Tim Miller) plays the conflicted coach and Christopher Foley aka Cristopher Knight Roberts (as Christopher "Chris" Burch) tackles the main villain role well; both have effective scenes with Ms. Alexander. Photographer Brian Crane favors intimate over-the-head-and-shoulder scenes and John Stimpson edits them nicely.

***** The Assault (9/20/14) Jason Winn ~ Makenzie Vega, Khandi Alexander, Gary Weeks, Christopher Foley
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