Dead Awake (2010)
Like a movie made by people who don't like movies
7 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
In my opinion, "Dead Awake" is like a movie made by someone who doesn't like movies. There is nothing from the start to the finish of this "film" that interesting.

I bought (yes, I bought) this film on blu-ray because I am a fan of both Amy Smart and Rose McGowan. I've watched quite a few films that feature each of these two ladies, and I have never failed to be entertained by their films.

Enter "Dead Awake." Confusing from the beginning, it never engaged me in any way. I didn't feel anything while watching this movie that even resembled suspense, wonder, happiness, sadness, or excitement. Maybe I felt slightly annoyed a few times, but that is about as strong of an emotion that I felt.

Nick Stahl's character was an unlikable "Dylan Downer" who has basically given up on life after his parents are killed in a car accident. Nothing he does makes any sense - especially the preposterous idea that he would fake his own funeral just to see if anyone would show up. Real people that suffer from depression would never consider anything so emotionally risky as this.

A down and out junkie Charlie (Rose McGowan) wanders in to his fake funeral (after the place is closed), and eventually has a conversation with Dylan's long lost love Natalie (Amy Smart) who also waits until the funeral is over to show up (yet, young Dylan continues to lay in his coffin.) All this eventually leads to Dylan hanging out with Charlie, and rekindling his feelings for Natalie.

Natalie is engaged to a soon to be successful lawyer type who undoubtedly will give her wealth, but maybe not true love. When Dylan finds Charlie passed out in her bathroom from a drug overdose, he gets her to the hospital. Surprise! Her nurse turns out to be Natalie. So they start talking and...

Numerous coincidences link all of the main characters in a way that only a poorly written story can do. By the time it is over, I just didn't care what happened. I just wanted it to end.

So save your time and money. Sit this one out. But if you just have to see this film, I will be listing it on eBay in a few minutes.
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