Intensity (1997 TV Movie)
4 October 2014
One of the best thrillers I've ever seen and the fact that it's a lesser budget "made for TV" movie doesn't diminish it's brilliance. It outshines most big budget Hollywood guff out there and provides the viewer with a tense, nail-biting experience mostly powered by two riveting performances from Molly Parker & John C. McGinley. This is what the French film, Haute Tension (High Tension/Switchblade romance) wanted to be but failed dismally. Intensity is the original movie based on Koontz novel - sadly Haute Tension, no matter how vehemently it's makers deny it - was a failed attempt to remake Intensity but not credit Koontz. They threw in a bunch of random "shocking" scenes/gore & a lame twist at the end hoping this would disguise the fact that it's the exact same story & they plagiarized it.

What the directors of the French version didn't understand is why, even with it's low budget & basic production, this version of Intensity works so well and theirs doesn't. The acting, the script, the development of the plot and the fact that it isn't just slash & gore for the sake of it, THAT'S why it works. It's why this movie is a MUST SEE if you are able to find a copy of it anywhere while it's sneaky, absurdly violent, badly acted, slasher rip off - Haute Tension - is a "must avoid at all costs".

And I have to stress how absolutely incredible John McGinley was as the psycho dude. Somehow he managed to come across as chillingly insane AND absurdly normal at the same time. One of THE best villains ever.

I can't recommend this two-part mini-series enough. Please try and get a hold of the full uncut version if you can. It's definitely going to be a repeat viewer for me.
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