Don't Blink (2014)
Who gives this enough positive reviews to get its ratings so high?
1 October 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this movie based on the IMDb rating and was shocked at how poor it was. I saw the cast and thought that given there were some established actors there, it probably merited the 4.9 or 5.1 stars. As it turns out, it must be people who wanted to share their misery of watching this that lied and gave decent reviews. It seemed that there was a ridiculous effort to try to shock people without anything shocking happening. Stupid stuff like someone turns around and another character is directly behind them. The dialogue was atrocious also, and seemed to have no sense of continuity. There was an initial discussion in the car between the sister and brother and it was stilted and downright stupid. There was a completely random declaration of one of the girls being pregnant, but there was absolutely no story behind it, and it added nothing to this steaming pile of manure. The obligatory sex scene in a "horror" of this type was also extraordinarily lame, especially as one of the protagonists was about to propose to his said pregnant girlfriend and hooked up with this other girl directly after his almost-fiancée disappearance. Then one guy who disappeared suddenly returned, after supposedly randomly falling into a ditch and knocking himself out for about 8 hours, but other than a little dirt on his face, was completely fine. And there were random notes from possibly previous victims, like "Help Me", even though they are supposed to have disappeared leaving no trace of their existence. I have never bothered to review anything on IMDb, but felt so screwed out of a couple of hours of my life that I had to write this. Awful is too mild a word for this crap.
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