Forever: Look Before You Leap (2014)
Season 1, Episode 2
As a new case begins, the show seems to change itself ever so slightly.
27 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
As per my review of the pilot, you'd think I would still be over the moon with the 2nd episode here, Lorraine Toussaint appearing, and a new case to be solved. But issues are beginning to rise which I see possibly bugging me. For one, Henry is making far too many references to his immortality, almost to the point it seems like he is begging someone to ask "How old are you?" And not necessarily so he can confess, but to tell a joke. Add on this villain, a 2000 year old man, is basically a stalker with some weird interest in Henry like they are both vampires and he fathered Henry, and you got issues starting to sprout their head. Though when it comes to details about the episode, you can look below for what happens and my thoughts.

Topic 1: We Could Have Been The Perfect Family – Abe and Henry

While Abigail remains a mystery, without much given about her, we continue to see the beauty of Abe and Henry's bond. Mostly by seeing Henry hold him as a baby, talk about what kind of family they were, or could have been, in the present, and Abe seeming thankful Henry played the father role in his life. Despite it being inconvenient sometimes when he dies. In the end though, with Henry and him traveling the world, and Henry seemingly the only family Abe has ever known, I don't think he would trade him for the world.

Topic 2: The Last of the Latin Lovers – Henry and Detective Martinez

It has seemingly been, perhaps, weeks since episode 1 and it seems Detective Martinez and Henry's relationship is strong enough for her to stick up for him when new Lieutenant Joanna Reece (Lorraine Toussaint) joins Martinez's precinct and doesn't seem fond of Henry's diagnosis of a girl named Vicky not dying by suicide. So, in order to get the case off the board, Lieutenant Reece tells Martinez to drop the case and leave it alone. Something she can't do because with Henry meeting Vicky's parents, and learning what a wonderful girl Vicky was, his curiosity and passion for solving murders has to be quenched. And it seems this habit is starting to make Abe think Henry is trying to be some version of Sherlock Holmes. A very apt comparison since, in many ways, Henry certainly shares a lot of Sherlock Holmes' detective procedures. Like not putting gloves on when getting evidence, speaking to possible suspects alone and unarmed, and not always involving police until he feels like he absolutely must.

Refocusing on Vicky though, she was having an affair with her professor, James Browning, and all signs point to him either killing her, or her jumping off the bridge because he wanted to end their affair. Issue is with this idea, there is skin under her nails, from James, and then flesh in her teeth. Also, she was bound for Paris and was to have a book published "The Last of the Latin Lovers" which Professor Browning was to be co-authoring. Making it so the good natured, and deeply loved, Vicky seemingly wouldn't have a huge reason to kill herself. Even if her lover was to end things with her.

Topic 3: Last Minute Reveals – Henry & Detective Martinez

So as everyone moves in on James and he is found dead, the next suspect becomes his wife. But, low and behold, it was actually the student we met at the beginning of the episode who I don't think we even learn the name of. He is just sort of thrown in there for a sudden twist and honestly it made the whole mystery feel like a letdown. For while professor Browning's wife killing him and Vicky wouldn't have been too much better, at least it wouldn't have felt thrown together.

Though perhaps there is no bigger issue than this villain/ stalker, who names himself Adam, who seemingly just plans to haunt Henry from afar like some sort of twisted lover. And I must say, the idea of a 2nd immortal person is interesting, especially since he is older than Henry, but at the same time his character too feels a bit thrown together. If just because, in the 2nd episode anyway, he doesn't come off menacing or interesting. If anything, Adam feels like an obligation. As if the show must have a villain so let's just make one highly vague villain and figure out his motives and why he is even relevant somewhere down the line. But, just for now, let's just remind the audience of his existence for about 5-10 minutes so that they won't forget him.
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