Review of The Rover

The Rover (2014)
Terrific acting in an otherwise nightmarish film
24 September 2014
Given the post-collapse Outback setting, comparisons to MAD MAX are inevitable. But THE ROVER has more in common with THE PROPOSITION; it's a distinctly brooding affair, gritty and somewhat nihilistic. We aren't given a background for "the collapse", but society's definitely a shambles. And that loss of morals is embodied by on-the-raggedy-edge Guy Pearce, who appears shockingly gaunt and emotionally beaten. He's the reason why I sought out this movie, and the reason why anyone should; it's a seethingly intense performance. The movie doesn't offer any reason why Pearce is gunning for his stolen car until the very end - and though I do like the reason given, this is a very bleak movie. It'll be a while before I ever come back to this one.

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