Review of Divergent

Divergent (2014)
Another Film Adaptation
20 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Brief Overview: Divergent is a movie based off the book by Veronica Roth also titled, "Divergent." I am going to start off by saying that I did enjoy this film, but there were a lot of bland moments and plot points that were covered in similar movies.

The Positives: One thing that I really enjoyed was how well the movie stayed true to the book, starting with the cast. Shailene Woodley plays the leading role Tris, who is an awkward and remote teenage girl living in a futuristic society divided into factions. Woodley has also in the 2014 release, "A Fault in Our Stars" which has been met with positive reviews. She was also scheduled to play Mary Jane in the 2014, "The Amazing Spider Man 2," but her scenes were removed from the final cut (and for Spider Man fans, she may return for the third installment, maybe). What I liked about Shailene's portrayal is that she does do a good job playing a plain personality, and just being plain in general. She was definitely not going to win a beauty contest when this movie was shot (which may be a problem for some), but that is the way she is supposed to be. The book makes important notes that her appearance does not stand out and she is somewhat of an outcast. Moving on to other performances, Theo James plays the role of one of her faction leaders, also known as "Four." He also lives up to his novel counterpart by giving the vibe that he lives on a completely different planet with virtually no tolerance. Another positive aspect is the chemistry between Tris and Four which really makes the movie stand out.

The Negatives: In many ways, this film feels like a branch off of "The Hunger Games." Just watching the scenery, action, and the way the camera is handled gives me some Deja Vu. Also a lot of the character traits for the protagonist are strikingly similar. On a different note, "Divergent" lacks the "explosiveness" required to keep full attention of the general audience. I just feel that the script was slightly under par and maybe even disappointing for all the potential this franchise has.

The Conclusion: I gave this film an overall rating of 7/10. I think this film would be more satisfying if you have previously read the book, but it is by no means a bad movie if you haven't. I recommend this film for most viewers.
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