Butcher Boys (2012)
I said it before, but what did i just watched? :O
19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Seriously, sometimes i watch a movie and i feel i lost a couple brain cell once its done. But this time, i must have lost a bunch of them. This movie is so stupid... On the cover they say "by the creator of the Texas chainsaw massacre" so i was expecting something gruesome, with a creepy feel to it. I love every Texas chainsaw movies of recent years(never saw the old ones). But this movie is just plain bad. Much of the protagonist get decimated in the first minutes, you don't understand why the guys will kill them. Then eventually much of the movie is just the killers chasing the main girl all over the place, most of the time loosing her because of there inner conflicts and stupidity.

The whole movie is anti-climatic, with characters being so over the top and bad caricatures that there is no way you really feel invest in this mess. I get that they wanted to keep the main girl alive because she was pregnant.. and somehow they wanted to eat the baby, i guess, but all the rest is never explained and on top of that this movie happen in San Antonio, not some remote location with no law enforcement. I am sorry but this is hard to review this movie objectively, as the plot, the script, the dialogue is so atrocious. But even if you want to see it as a slasher flick, its still a bad one, as most of the cast dies in the first 20 minutes or less, and despite a few gory parts the kills are not impressive at all.

This movie is just boring, extremely stupid and i think its the first time i will give such a negative rating and review since Cabin Fever. These type of movies can be done right, watch The Midnight Meat Train for example. At first your confuse but everything is explained and make sense by the end. Sadly Butcher Boys is a mess, a bad confusing, over the top ridiculous mess.
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