The Wrong Woman (2013 TV Movie)
The whole case should've been thrown out of court.
19 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I just watched this movie on lifetime 9/19/14. I was yelling at the TV practically the whole movie! Her whole case should've been thrown out of court! She wasn't properly mirandized! She's questioned by the officers in interrogation, she asks to call her husband, next thing you know they tell her that her bond is $500,000 and they are locking her up! Her lawyer was a joke and should've known that right from the beginning. Another thing! She was the wife of a police officer! She didn't have any knowledge of correct police procedures. Seems like her husband taught her nothing about how to handle police matters or correct procedures. She should've told her lawyer that she wasn't properly mirandized and any evidence obtain thereafter would be thrown out. In fact, the whole case should've been thrown out on a technicality! Her husbands behavior seemed off to me. He seemed like he didn't really care if she went to prison. I suspected him at first. I was correct that he was screwing around. Anyway, had to get this off my chest!
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