lo-budget gold
17 September 2014
I remember a scene from The Sarah Silverman Program ("Mongolian Beef"): Brian breaks in on Steve while he's producing an ultra lo-budget video for YouTube. They have a little conversation in which it's pointed out that, while Steve's work may not be Oscar-worthy, the vast bulk of stuff posted to YouTube is worse. This makes Steve feel *much* better, and he carries on with his work.

I loved Schrab's work on that show. I sincerely believe he's of the school where he doesn't see storyboarding/pacing/editing as a compensation for lack of funds: He sees them as essential, no matter what the budget may be. And I agree. And Robot Bastard does a pretty good job of delivering the dramatic goods. It's meticulously "content'ed" and paced, so the payload denouement is faithfully brought home.

So, seeing how I've just written an apologetic tome regarding the production values, what about that story? I think it's great! The setup is straightforward, and it doesn't waste time following those gas lines to the TWO! TWO! TWO! truly surprising twists at the end!

Add in the delight of seeing/hearing genuinely talented and creative acting/voice work, well-directed, and you've got a wild and warm sci-fi outer space robot shoot-'em-up!
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