Harriet the Spy: Blog Wars (2010 TV Movie)
This thing is a movie!?
15 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I honestly thought it was a cyber-bullying school P.S.A. when I first saw it. Taking the classic novel Harriet the Spy, about a preteen with a love of solving mysteries and writing in her notebook, this version introduces the modern way of journalism, blogging. Back when people had brains, there were much better movie ideas out there than the plot of two generic-acting teens having a "blogging war". Nevertheless, this movie was made, and I was stuck watching it in class. Its only upside was its filming location, the former steel city of Hamilton, located in Ontario, Canada. The acting was okay but the teenage characters were too predictable and typical, and I grew up reading the original novel and watching the 1996 film Harriet the Spy so it was hard for me to enjoy this one. I was also sixteen when I saw this, older than its target audience, so perhaps I'd have gotten more out of it if I were younger.
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