Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Best Midlife Crisis!
14 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
First off, yes this does contain spoilers! Second of all...let me just geek out for a little bit! WOW! The way this episode starts pulls you in just by the simple vintage Doctor Who intro. From there we are shown The Doctor and Clara in the TARDIS being swooped up and then being face to face with that "painting" shortly after with the glass broken on the outside. Then we are shown The War Doctor and his decision to destroy the Daleks and the Time Lords...coming face to face with the interface of "Rose Tyler" which was a nice surprise. Jon Hurt plays the War Doctor perfectly...they couldn't have picked a better person to play him. Finally, to my favorite Doctor, David Tennant whom obviously rides out of his TARDIS on horseback yelling "ALLONS-Y!"

The moment that Matt Smith and David Tennant meet up it's pure gold. When they compare their sonic screwdrivers I couldn't help but chuckle. They were like two brothers as they figured out who they were. Always finishing each other's sentences or giving each other a hard time. Then Jon Hurt shows up thinking they're his companions and realizing they're his future selves saying "Am I having a mid life crisis?!"

From here they get captured and are put together in a cell and all come to terms of what happened. Tempers flair but they get it out of their systems and work together to get out. Throughout this, however, War Doctor is still deciding whether to push that button still to destroy the Time lords and the daleks.

Obviously they end up saving the earth but War Doctor still has that button to press and that huge decision to make. He departs but is followed by Tennant and Smith who vow to help him push the button together. Clara objects saying that there has to be another way. And at the same time they all get the same idea. This is where pure awesomeness takes place.

To save Gallifrey all the time lords freeze it in it's own pocket of time. But in order to do that...all the doctors have to meet up at the exact same time...all 13! All TARDIS' swoop in and freeze Gallifrey in it's own pocket universe or whatever (Time Lord Technology stuff). The Doctors meet up in front of the painting again and say their goodbyes...and the War Doctor admits he's happy to become them in the future. David Tennant leaves on his line "I don't wanna go." With Smith replying "he always says that." Clara heads to the TARDIS and Smith stays back to examine the painting and is interrupted by the caretaker of the place who is non other than Tom Baker. He gives him information about the painting and the true translation that "Gallifrey Stands." Just the cherry on top having Tom Baker in at the last minute like that.

What an amazing film. Yes, let's just call it what it is. A film. It was funny at the right times and completely serious as well. The chemistry between the 3 doctors was amazing. I still watch this episode here and there just for the banter!
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