Zombie Hunter (2013)
Poorly Edited and Scripted
7 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
When I was looking through Netflix trying to find a good zombie movie to watch, I came across this one and saw the story for it and the picture so I clicked on it and watched it. I first thought it was pretty good then it just seemed like it was made by a 9 year old, saying "retarded" and really poor editing. That's what I really noticed was the editing. It was terrible and it looked like someone went on Windows Movie Maker and pressed some buttons for 5 minutes and called it editing. It was also really unrealistic. I understand that a zombie movie wouldn't be too realistic because "zombies" but with the huge monster who looked like Groot from Guardians of the Galaxy and a clown zombie with a chainsaw. I am out of words. I wasted my time watching this. One more thing I forgot to add was the main character was trying too hard to be cool and it made him look terrible.
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