Story is good, animation lets it down
4 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
Heavenly Sword is an film animation from the popular game on the PS3 (play-station) about a heroine and her sister, with an unbreakable bond, that set off on a journey to to find their long lost brother chosen by fate to wield a sword of the the Gods. The story concept of this film is an extraordinary story, specially taken from a games own storyline, but sadly this animated film has a lot of flaws which lets this film down. The voice acting is good but Some of the animation lets this down. Any one that has played this game will know this story all to well only Problem is i cant give any thing else about this film that good because there are just so many things wrong with it it just a let down, some may like it where other wont.

Dislikes : The physics of the animation was off at times and things were sometimes way to fast for what they ought to be, but i think this was down to rendering, The animation is pretty poor for this film, which suggest a very low budget as the film feels like Long game cut scenes movie between game play. I feel the C.G.I could have been done better specially with the fight scenes i feel if you going to have blood in a scene at least show like the person is been cut & not just have blood spurt out, it shows no realism in this film, sadly for an animation of this storyline this was a big let down, which ruined the film for me.
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