The Reckoning (I) (2014)
Challenging sanity - the Aussie way
3 September 2014
Warning: Spoilers
There's an old joke – "all Australians are walking upside down". This movie is a persuasive proof that there is definitely a tiny piece of joke in this statement. The society pictured in this movie is exactly like that – completely twisted.

For example, what would the three muscular drug dealers do when their safe house is approached by an inadequately looking teen girl with a skinny friend, who's shooting the bandits on camera(!!!)? And the lady is mumbling something about retribution from the bible… Of course, the criminals politely invite this creepy pair into their hideout, and then obediently allow to savagely torture and kill themselves. Of course, it' s an absolutely obvious way things are done in the streets of Australia!

What a shame that the movie director didn't share with the audience the details of "bringing to peace" the avenged criminals, who overwhelm the attackers in every possible characteristic excluding "goodness". It makes one think that however hard the movie creators tried to work out a persuasive way of crazy teen couple's winning over 2 foot-soldiers with their boss, they couldn't make it without looking unrealistic. That's why they took an innovative decision to picture the bandits already neutralized. Genius move! Thunderous applause!

And there's one more especially vivid episode.

What would the main character of the movie, an experienced police officer in his 40s, do, when he comes home knowing he's being hunted by two extremely dangerous criminals intending to mortify him as painfully as possible? Especially considering the fact that previously they've already committed a number of psycho-aggravated assaults, presently on the loose and always do their thing fast. A normal thriller hero would send the wife and kids away and would be sitting in the dark corner of his home with a gun, waiting for the inevitable visit. But the Aussie heroes have a special sovereign methodology.

As clear as day, the concerned policeman first fixes himself a mighty drink, then has sex with his wife and…happily blacks out in the sleep of the righteous. Well, a man has a right to relax, doesn't he? Especially in the anticipation of brutal torture and violent death. That's how it usually happens, right? And then he's woken up in the warm company of quite expected maniac guests, who have already taken the heirs of this sleeping beauty as hostages.

And such "innovative" plot points, boldly challenging the most common everyday logic, adorn almost every episode of this movie. But along with that its content propagates the humanitarian target of youth de- narcotization. Guess the creators of "Reckoning" made a very good job in making it very hard to take this movie and its "humanitarian mission" seriously. They can be really proud of themselves.
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