Good Duryea Bit
30 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers

A rather unseen film, that deserves to be better known, particularly among noir fans.

Dan Duryea plays a reporter on a big city newspaper who gets himself blacklisted. He wrote a story that ended up getting a Police witness deep-sixed. He is more or less persona non grata with any big town newspapers. He borrows some cash and buys a half interest in a small New England paper ran by Gale Storm.

For Duryea, it is perfect timing. A murder has happened in town, and it involves the daughter in law of big time newspaper owner, Herbert Marshall. Duryea dives in looking to make a big financial score by selling the deal before the wire services do.

Duryea, a less than "upright" newsman makes like a salesman as he wheels and deals the story. His new partner, Gale Storm is not in the least impressed with Duryea.

The audience knows right off the bat who the killer is. It is the dead woman's husband, Gar Moore. The Police though, are looking for the dead woman's Negro maid, Mary Anderson. And she looks guilty as hell as she had been in the city selling the dead woman's jewels.

Duryea sees an even bigger chance at a money making story. He starts up a defence fund for the maid. He hires a lawyer who agrees to split the fund with Duryea. Needless to say some roadblocks pop up for Duryea and his schemes.

This is a very entertaining film, with cast and crew all excellent. The direction of Cy Endfield is spot on. Endfield's work includes, THE SOUND OF FURY, HELL DRIVERS, MYSTERIOUS ISLAND, ZULU and SANDS OF THE KALAHARI. The look of the film is equally good with Stanley Cortez handling the cinematography duties.

Well worth a watch.
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