How to get into the headlines...
26 August 2014
Proteus Prindle is mighty proud of his big business he made out of all kinds of cereal products; and of course, he's a member of high society, and his picture's in all the papers - just like that of his well-fed daughters, 'prime' examples of the wonders his cereals do... Only his son Pete, who prefers a good steak to his father's vegetarian food, is the 'black sheep' of the family - and when he tries with all kinds of wrong methods to build up a reputation of his own, his father throws him out and threatens to disinherit him if he doesn't come up with the RIGHT kind of advertisement for the company soon! But meanwhile, Pete has fallen in love with the daughter of his father's friend and business partner Cadwalader, who also secretly prefers meat to corn flakes - and her father is being threatened by an unscrupulous gang called the 'Weazels'...

So - in Doug Fairbanks' third film (after "The Lamb", and "Double Trouble", which unfortunately is lost) we can witness our young hero again breaking almost all the rules of 'society', pulling the most hilarious gags, and of course showing a VERY fine display of his wonderful acrobatics (including his considerable boxing skills!) - which shows us once more: a steak IS more nutritious than mere cereals...

And this is not only a GREAT comedy, full of Doug's eternally optimistic spirit, but also a VERY valuable time document from (seen from the US point of view) pre-WWI days - note the 'Tin Lizzies', the old-fashioned steam trains, the clothes people wore almost exactly 100 years ago... It'll take you into a totally different era!
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