I'm not going to let the Anti-Christ steal my girlfriend....
24 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The rapture has happened and Lindsey, her boyfriend Ben, and their families have been left behind, doomed to torture on Earth.

A former politician, now known as The Beast, is the Anti-Christ.

But when The Beast decides he wants to take Lindsey as his wife, Lindsey and Ben come up with a plan to defeat the Anti-Christ....

If there ever was an example of a missed opportunity of a high concept movie, then this is the baby. After such a promising opening, the film just goes from bad to worse, as the script gets more inane, and the narrative becomes more desperate.

Robinson is also a huge problem here. He obviously comes from the school of 'shouting and swearing makes a poor script more funnier', and even though he supposed to be bad, the makers didn't mean literally, he's truly awful.

And what makes it worse is that whilst your watching this unfunny man try to channel comedians of a much higher calibre, you cannot help but wonder how someone like Eddie Murphy would have been in the role.

The rest of the cast all appear to force every last drop of sincerity from the script, but it can't be saved, its a real pig of a film.

Stick that on the DVD cover..
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