Left to Die (2012 TV Movie)
Far too dramatized to take seriously...
23 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I've been to places like Ecuador, Puerto Rico, etc. and they are not what is shown in this movie. This movie, while presenting an entertaining and compelling story, portrays the people in the country of Ecuador to be mainly sleazy thieves who lie, cheat and steal. In truth, yes there are people like that in the country, but there are people like that in the States and Canada too, most people there are as nice as anyone here, and by trying to dramatize the film I think this was forgotten. This is based on a true story, but I think it was twisted around a bit to get the ratings of viewers. I am also quite surprised that they would make a movie like this just because a US citizen went through the jail system. It's jail, what, were they expecting jail to have flowers and free stuff everywhere? Of course it's going to seem inhumane, it's a jail, a punishment facility, not a daycare center! While I'm on the subject, how come we make a film about a US woman suffering in an Ecuadorian jail? What's so special about her? What about the harsh treatment immigrants coming to the US get all the time? What makes this woman so special? The acting wasn't very good either, the daughter of the woman was very boring and kind of a ditz.
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