Review of Day One

ER: Day One (1994)
Season 1, Episode 2
Day one Episode 2
21 August 2014
I like this one as it follows on from the pilot episode. With Mark being the doctor woken up. This time it is Susan Lewis who is woken up by a nurse. More chaos and character building in this one from the pilot.

It's great how each of the characters have different issues they have to face and overcome. You are kind of drawn into them. With Carter having to learn the ropes being a med student. Lewis is having issues trying to get help with a patient with dementia. You also get to see the family life of the Dr in this show and how much time and effort they put into it and struggling with people at home.

I also like how the show includes the background characters. it's not just about the main characters. Everyone in the hospital interacts with the main characters. Not like some shows were the 2nd characters are ignored sometimes. I always wondered how they found so many extras for this show.
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