This is a work of fiction
13 August 2014
Set in the middle of one of our era's most tragic and polarizing conflicts, it is perhaps understandable that reviewers here jump to the conclusion that it's propaganda for one side or the other. But it isn't. Using a family's internal struggle with the background being the Israeli-Palestinian conflict the writers almost can't win. But the preposterous claim that the series is justification for the current conflict when the shooting schedule began in July 2013...to say nothing of script writing, finding producers, and casting which would reach back into 2012 if not longer, demonstrates how explosive the setting is. As Nessa says, "It's the Middle East. Enemies is what you make." Therefore, it was brave of the project to chose that setting, but it shouldn't be seen as taking a stand for one side or the other.

The pace may be slow, but it's dreamlike point of view, for me, made it all the more transfixing. The cast, particularly Gyllenhaal's performance, is splendid, and the trap of being a mediator, whether is World politics or family dynamics demonstrates that hazard. ("You're either for me or against me.") This may be a series to watch all in one sitting, void of weekly waits and commercials. For me, it's the years best television series.
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