Review of Pool Party

Pool Party (2007)
Cheap and Uninspired
12 August 2014
Having failed his bar exam twice "Matt" (Justin T. Bowler) is forced to put up with an abusive boss named "Richard" (David Lawrence) until he can finally pass in order to find another job elsewhere. So when Richard tells him to watch over his mansion for a few days Matt decides to use whatever spare time he can scrounge up to study. However, as luck would have it, Richard's son "Buck" (Kenzo Lee) and step-daughter "Leslie" (Sarah Horvath) decide to violate their father's instructions and party while he is gone. This creates all kinds of problems for Matt. Anyway, so much for the plot. Now, rather than disclose the rest of the movie and risk spoiling this film for those who haven't seen it I will just say that it had a few funny moments here and there. It also had a couple of attractive women as well. Unfortunately, the funny parts were few and far between and the eye candy wasn't sufficient to change an otherwise cheap and uninspired script. Below average.
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