Sharknado 2: The Second One (2014 TV Movie)
The Top Forty Reasons I Wasted My Night with This Number Two
9 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
1. If you're wondering if you need to see the first one first, stop while you're ahead.

2. I haven't seen this much snow in New York City since The Wolf of Wall Street.

3. Keep in mind: Birdemic's excuse was lack of funds.

4. Dear God, let this tragedy take New Yorker's minds off that other, even worse attack on their city: 1998's Godzilla.

5. Just because your script is fully aware of how stupid this concept is, doesn't mean the writer was brilliant. It just means he was awake when he wrote it.

6. It can't be that insulting to mistake a female author named April with a male. After all, she might invite you to a signing within seconds of signing the book she'll eventually sign again for you at the signing.

7. Then, again, when she signs your book with penmanship of a three- year-old and can't blame it on the mild turbulence of the plane you're on, you might want to reconsider that book signing invitation.

8. Why was I always waiting for Tara Reid to meow like her cat children and bark at Gordon Ramsay at Amy's Baking Company?

9. "I was famous when I was a surfer. It cost me my family," says Fin. Yes. If you were to surf with your entire family in tow on the wave in Deep Impact.

10. I guess I missed the Mythbusters episode where they proved that movie bicycles can, in fact, outrace tornadoes.

11. Mets fans leaving the stadium in droves before the game ends… finally, some realism.

12. The scariest thing about the Sharknadoes is that they make the Twilight series watchable.

13. "Jump the shark" you say? Hahahaha, thank you 1990.

14. "If you don't come back (alive,) I'm going to kill you" is one of the heartfelt lines in this movie. It's also the logic, but I gave up believing in that long before the opening credits began.

15. Not since Ghostbusters II did New York City get associated with a bad movie involving an overextended Lady Liberty scene.

16. Great. Now, I just wanna watch Cloverfield again.

17. Did Tara Reid say her prediction of a real Sharknado would happen The Day After Tomorrow? Because that would make more sense.

18. "This is your Captain speaking. Please do not mind the large gaping holes in the side of the plane. Feel free to roam around the plane as you please as if they were the same large gaping holes in our storyline. Enjoy your flight!"

19. Breaking a bat across your thigh doesn't make you a badass. It makes you seventeen times stronger than Supergirl.

20. No, I am not hungry for Subway, Jared.

21. Okay, maybe for one of those flatbread pizzas. And it's not for your shameless product placements…They are really that damn good.

22. "(The sharknado) is a twister…with teeth," says Al Roker. Miley Cyrus would also be a correct substitute for that line.

23. Yeah, it's so hard to remember where you're sitting at a ballgame. Especially when your ticket sarcastically reminds you.

24. For only being 86 minutes, taking time out for a ridiculously irrelevant flashback set up by an annoying baseball fan spouting ESPN trivia to a player who should already know his own history and ending with no payoff on why he was not in the VIP section…pretty much sums up the rest of the film.

25. There is more running in this movie than The Running Man.

26. There is more running in this movie than Republicans for President in the last election.

27. There is more running in this movie than the Boston marathon. (And I'm not even a Yankee fan.)

28. The Second One isn't that clever of a title 32 years after Airplane! came out with "The Sequel."

29. Perhaps a better subtitle would've been Number Two.

30. I guess if you can safely navigate a helicopter into a tornado in the first movie, flying an airplane into one should be a piece of cake.

31. Ripping off The Twilight Zone with the "There's something on the wing!" bit or mocking names and scenes from Airplane! isn't an homage. It's insulting in a Sharknado sequel.

32. Although, mimicking Jaws: The Revenge is just perfect.

33. I am uncertain why the references to the Evil Dead series were needed especially within minutes of a slap across Doc Brown's face.

34. Of the 602 cameos, Judd Hirsch reprising his Independence Day role was my favorite.

35. Oh, and Andy Dick…you look terrible.

36. No. The stupid climax was not hilariously bad, intentionally or not. Nothing about this movie was hilarious.

37. Piranha 3D was fresh, hilarious and spot-on with their Richard Dryfuss/Jaws reference. And…Fuvk you, Sharknado 2, with your characters named Martin and Ellen Brody. "Fin" was bad enough; you had to spit on a masterpiece with your unimaginative humor?

38. Don't believe in evolution? Well, the evidence is clear when sharks learn to roar and aim when faced with a tornado lift.

39. By no means, this movie was not meant to be taken seriously, but when a severed hand amazingly finds its way back to its owner in the climax, I hated life when they gave less than a fvck on the fact it somehow regenerated most of the arm with inside the mouth of the shark who never bothered to swallow it.

40. If not for my loyal devotion to the fantastic How Did This Get Made? podcast, I would've never seen this. Here's (raising my Bud Light) to them putting on an entertaining discussion on how incredibly worthless this experience was.
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