Tough to watch
8 August 2014
I joined this site to say this.

Television movies get a lot of flack. The reality is these movies often operate on a shoe-string budget, select their casts for who is willing to take the role and generally have a fairly limited scope when writing movies for companies such as Hallmark. Christmas television movies must be the most difficult to write for - with every possible idea being rehashed and reused ad nauseam to promote the festive season.

With that said this movie was not able to hit the level of mediocrity of a D level television movie. It was uninspired, unoriginal and felt like yet another pay-check for an average director. This movie was obviously not made for me - I didn't get smothered by Chief at the end of 'One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest', but I don't know why someone would put any effort into making the movie. I can take a bad movie when it's done with a bit of passion and enthusiasm, but this movie felt like running through the motions.
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