Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor (2013)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Where to even begin?
2 August 2014
As a 35yr old Englishman Doctor who is not something you just had to grow up with it's ingrained in British television culture. I would struggle to believe someone from Britain that stated they have never heard of Doctor who. The 50th anniversary episode was a chance to cement Doctor who as not only a great concept and show but as a worldwide phenomenon. They could have messed this up completely, did they? Not even slightly.

The story arc was not only intelligent but it had the wonderful effect of answering questions that needed answering without you realising that is what they were doing. The comedy was faultless without being cheesy, the multiple doctors was a wonder for the true Doctor who fans, the effects were outstanding for a BBC TV show budget and the writing was sublime.

The only regret I have about this episode is that I didn't have the foresight to book a theater ticket to watch it in 3d whilst it aired live around the world.

A quote from Craig Glenday from Guinness World Records "Who else but the time-twisting Doctor could appear in 94 countries at once?! This outstanding achievement is testament to the fact that the longest running sci-fi TV show in history is not just a well-loved UK institution but a truly global success adored by millions of people."

Is this the best ever episode of Doctor who? Probably. Will you smile after watching it? Definitely.

Well done BBC and Moffat you have outdone yourselves with this masterpiece.
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