Endless Love (2014)
It Really Did Feel Endless
1 August 2014
Oh my god. This movie... Was amazing. But not in the way you think. It's god damn insane and bad that it becomes an amazingly hilarious experience. I watched the because me and my girlfriend wanted to watch something, and I had downloaded it at some point. We both expected some super cheesy moments, but thought we should give it a go. At first, we seemed correct. It was cheesy, but kind of enjoyable. The characters seemed to have an initial physical chemistry which was good. It seemed like it could be fun. But soon enough, it got so out of control that it left me and my girlfriend rolling on the floor laughing (literally in her case). We had a running commentary with each other throughout the whole movie because there was so much to laugh about.

I have never seen so much devastation in a love movie before. This film literally has cheating, death of a son by cancer, breaking and entering, theft, a car crash, sex within days of dating in front of a fire and in a living room where the parents are asleep upstairs, a punch in the face, an arrest, a restraining order, lost love and a DAMN HOUSE FIRE! Yes, a fire. Like literally, at the end, I couldn't believe it all had happened. It felt like some crazy fever dream that I totally had imagined. It's absolutely crazy. These people go through so much in such a short amount of time. So many thing makes absolutely no sense. I was so into this movie just because I could not believe how many insane things they were throwing at us. It started as a cheesy romance film and gets kicked into overdrive after 15 minutes in.

I think over all the biggest issue is the lack of a love story. Most of the film is focused on crappy things happening. Also, the characters fall madly in love without barely having said a few sentences to each other. They don't know each other and they're having sex and saying they are in love. What the hell?

This movie really needs to be seen to believed. Do not expect a good but kinda cheesy love film, because this is not it. It is absolutely crazy and bad... but I enjoyed every second. My rating is only as high as it is because its so bad that its good.
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