Who Invented This Thing?
27 July 2014
The Holodeck is certainly one of the most interesting entities in science fiction history. I guess if we can accept warp drive and all its implications, we can also accept a programmed fantasy room. I don't recall ever hearing even a theory of how this thing works and how individuals can program it to live their every wish. One can only imagine what sorts of programs one with a little bit of a jaded imagination could cook up. It certainly allows for some interesting avocations as well as being a practical tool. In this episode, Picard ends up trapped in the Holodeck as he tries to relax during intense negotiations with an insect-like race. The thing flat out malfunctions, leaving him unable to escape from a 1940's gangster program (in the Sam Spade tradition). Data and Wesley are given the task of figuring out what is going on. The Holodeck does allow the characters to expand their ship-bound situation and spread their wings. One question one may ask is why Picard is fooling around with this when he has such a serious meeting set up that may change the course of history. Oh well, picky, picky, picky.
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