Whitewash (I) (2013)
This is good and Church is great in it but on the other hand it is pretty slow moving and not much happens.
27 July 2014
"You know, they say, that every guilty person is his own hangman. They also say that tomorrow will be a better day." Bruce (Church) is a snowplow operator in the cold desolate Quebec woods. He spends his nights alone with a bottle. One night when the two mixed he winds up accidentally killing someone. Rather then do what is right he decides to do what he can to cover it up. While he thinks of ways to hide what he did he begins to remember the man he killed and the events leading up to the tragedy. This is a hard movie to review and explain. The movie is good and Church is great in it but on the other hand it is pretty slow moving and not much happens. The movie reminded me a lot of A Single Shot which came out a few months ago. Both deal with accidental killings and the lengths these loners will go to to cover up what they did from the world but are unable to run away from it mentally. If you liked the Single Shot movie you will enjoy this. For everyone else it is one you will either like or one you may not be able to finish. Give it a chance though you may be surprised. Overall, good acting and Church does such a great job that it's almost worth watching just for him. I give this a B-.
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