The lesser of the two films Fred and Rita did together, though still a pleasant watch
23 July 2014
You'll Never Get Rich had a lot going for it, and while it is slightly disappointing with a very silly, contrived and thin story, Sidney Lanfield having moments when his direction was leaden, a couple of stale army jokes and Cliff Nazarro and his double-talk schtick starting off funny but grew irritating. But it is still makes for pleasant viewing. You'll Never Get Rich boasts lovely costumes for Rita Hayworth and beautiful photography, and probably a better-looking film than the second and superior Fred/Rita outing You Were Never Lovelier(and that was still a nice film to look at). Cole Porter's songs are not among his best, but Since I Kissed My Girlfriend Goodbye deserved its Oscar nomination, The Wedding Cake Walk is a lot of fun and So Near Yet So Far is just sublime. The score suits the tone of the film just fine. The choreography ranges from spirited to graceful, again the highlights being in those three songs, the tap-dancing routine between Fred and Rita being one of the main pleasures of You'll Never Get Rich. Although the script and story don't work entirely, they do have moments, Fred and Rita are really charming in their scenes and scenes like the restaurant one generate some amusement, and for all its flaws the film does have heart too. Of the supporting cast, the standouts are a hilarious Robert Benchley and a perfectly cast Frieda Inescourt. John Hubbard and Michael MacBride are good as well, only Nazarro didn't do much for me. The main attractions of You'll Never Get Rich were always Fred Astaire and Rita Hayworth, and they are also the best thing about the film. Fred is a suave and charming leading man and makes an effort to not make the comedy seem forced while Rita is effortlessly graceful and you totally see what Robert sees in Sheila in the first place. They are also just magical together. Overall, a decent and pleasant film but there was the potential for it to have been better than it turned out to be. 7/10 Bethany Cox
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